The CMP organisation acts as a representative/agent for the homeless person. They arrange for the scripts to be dispensed and supplied to the patient. Your pharmacy may have a relationship with a CMP organisation to supply the CMP scripts for their clients. 

If your pharmacy is presented with a prescription that has been annotated by a CMP agency you can record the CMP number on the Dispense Form and claim for the prescription via PBS Online. As part of the program, the PBS co-payment for eligible people is reduced from the concessional rate to a zero co-payment.

Please note:

  • To indicate that a script should be claimed under the Continuing Medication Program, the CMP organisation will annotate the script with 'CMPXXX', where 'XXX' is the organisation's unique CMP identifier, a 3 character code
  • A prescriber cannot annotate a script with CMP
  • As the CMP agency needs to annotate the prescription the script needs to be in a paper form i.e. a CMP script cannot be an eScript
  • The CMP organisation will assess the patient’s eligibility for the program with each supply i.e. repeats are not automatically eligible. Therefore, Minfos will not print the CMP code on the repeat authorisation form or automatically populate the CMP field for repeats. If the patient is still eligible when it’s time for their next supply of the script the CMP organisation will annotate the repeat with their CMP identifier
  • The patient needs to have a valid concessional or DVA entitlement for the script to be claimed under the CMP. A general patient is not eligible for the program

To dispense a CMP script:

From the Dispense Form with a valid concessional or DVA patient selected:

1. Dispense the item as per your usual process.

2. Enter the CMP number on the prescription in the CMP field on the Dispense Form and press [Tab].

3. The Price field will automatically reduce by the customer contribution amount. If the drug has a brand price premium the patient will be required to cover that cost.

4. Save and process the script as per your normal process. Don't forget to process the script through the Till.


  • The Drug Information Database window has been updated to reflect CMP payments

  • The Script Detail Enquiry window will display the CMP Pay. amount

  •  There is a new checkbox filter on the Script Enquiry window