Open Pharmacist Maintenance:

1. Highlight the required pharmacist from the list and click Change.

If the required pharmacist does not display in the list, they may have been marked as inactive. Select the List All checkbox to display all pharmacists. Active pharmacists display in black font, inactive in light grey font.

The Pharmacist Editing window is displayed.

2. Update the required fields.

Note    Pharmacist First Name is now a required field. If this detail is missing, you will be prompted to enter a First Name.
Note    If the pharmacist entry is no longer required, un-check the Active checkbox. Inactive pharmacists cannot be selected on the Dispense Form. 

3. To add an HPI-I ensure the mandatory fields, Surname and Reg. No., are entered and that the pharmacy is connected to the HI Service.

  1. Click the Search button, The HPI-I Search window will display.

If the registration is valid, the details are returned with an Active status and HPI-I will be displayed on Pharmacist Entry window. Refer to the Add a new pharmacist article to view other status/values that may be returned.

3. To change the password, click Change password.

The Pharmacist Password window is displayed.

5. Enter the Pharmacist’s current password and click Update.

The Pharmacist Password window is displayed.

See the Setting a pharmacist password article to set up a password.

6. Click OK to save.