This is useful when adding a range of similarly named products, all allocated to same Supplier & Categories.

Video Demonstration

Step by Step Instructions

1. From Stock Manager, click the Products menu.

2. Select 2. Quick Product Entry.

3. The Quick Product Entry window is displayed.

A. Enter the Price Policy, the products require, either enter the Price Policy code and press [Tab] or enter the Price Policy name and press [Tab]  to search, highlight the correct Price Policy and click Okay, or leave at the default.

B. Enter the Department, if required. Either enter the Department code and press [Tab] or enter the Department name and press [Tab] to search, highlight the correct Department and click Okay.

C. Enter the Company, if required. Either enter the Company code and press [Tab] or enter the Company name and press [Tab] to search, highlight the correct Company and click Okay.

D. Enter the Brand, if required. Either enter the Brand code and press [Tab] or enter the Brand name and press [Tab] to search, highlight the correct Brand and click Okay.

E. Enter the I.E.U., if required. Either enter the I.E.U. code and press [Tab] or enter the I.E.U. name and press [Tab] to search, highlight the correct I.E.U. and click Okay.

F. Enter the Class, if required. Either enter the Class code and press [Tab] or enter the Class name and press [Tab] to search, highlight the correct Class and click Okay.

G. Enter the Location, if required. Either enter the Location code and press [Tab] or enter the Location name and press [Tab] to search, highlight the correct Location and click Okay.

H. Enter the Pref. Supplier, either enter the supplier code and press [Tab] or enter the Supplier name and press [Tab] to search, highlight the correct Brand and click Okay.

I. Repeat Name checkbox:

i. Check- If you want the name to be retained for each product, you will have the opportunity to edit it before adding each product, this will also retain the Retail Price and Unit Cost.

ii. Unchecked - if you want to enter the full name for each product, the Retail Price and Unit cost will need to be enter for each product.

J. If each product has a unique barcode check this box. If the products do not check the box, and a Minfos created barcode will be allocated to each product. The barcode field on the next window will always be blank and cursor will default to the Product Name field.

4. Click Okay.

The Quick Product Entry window is displayed.

5. Enter the first products details.

A. Scan or enter the Bar Code, press [Tab]. Leave blank if the product does not have barcode.

B. Enter the Product Name, press [Tab].

C. Enter the Retail Price, press [Tab], or this can be done later when invoicing the products.

D. Leave the Mark Up % at the default, press [Tab].

E. Enter the Unit Cost (this is excluding GST), press [Tab] or this can be done later when invoicing the products.

F. Enter the products PDE, press [Tab].

G. Enter the Retails Units if required, or leave at the default. Press [Tab].

H. To mark the product as Stocked, check the ReOrder Product checkbox.

6. Click Okay or press [Enter].

The Quick Product Entry window is displayed and is updated dependent on your previous selections.

  •  If Repeat Name was checked; the Quick Product Entry window is re-displayed with the Barcode field highlighted and details entered from the previous product.
  • If Barcodes was left unchecked the Barcode field will always be blank and the cursor will default to the Product Name field.

7. Enter the next products details:

A. Scan or enter the barcode, press [Tab]. Leave blank if the product does not have barcode.

B. Edit the Product Name for the next product, press [Tab].

C. Enter the PDE for next product, press [Tab].

8. Make any other required changes e.g. pricing, retail units or reorder status.

9. Click Okay or press [Enter].

10. Repeat Steps 7 to 9 until all product have been added.

11. Click Cancel to close Quick Product Entry.

Note: If Repeat Name was NOT checked; the Quick Product Entry window is re-displayed with only the previous products PDE and the ReOrder Product status retained. You will need to repeat Steps 5A to 6 until all products are added.